
  • 来源:/ 日期:2024-06-19 发布人:创始人


1. The box adopts an airtight design with good sealing performance. The inspection door and single dust collector use excellent sealing materials, and during the production process, kerosene is used to detect leaks, resulting in a low air leakage rate.

2、本除尘器采用分室停风脉冲喷吹清灰技术,克服了常规脉冲除尘器和分室反吹除尘器的缺点,清灰能力强,除尘效率高,排放浓度低,漏风率小,能耗少,钢耗少,占地面积少,运行稳定 ,经济效益好。适用于冶金、建材、水泥、机械、化工、电力、轻工行业的含尘气体的净化与除尘器厂家物料的回收。

2. This dust collector adopts the technology of chamber stop pulse jet cleaning, which overcomes the shortcomings of conventional pulse dust collectors and chamber backflow dust collectors. It has strong cleaning ability, high dust removal efficiency, low emission concentration, low air leakage rate, low energy consumption, low steel consumption, small footprint, stable operation, and good economic benefits. Suitable for the purification of dusty gases in metallurgy, building materials, cement, machinery, chemical industry, power, and light industry, as well as the recycling of materials from dust collector manufacturers.



3. The layout of the inlet and outlet air ducts is compact, with low airflow resistance.


4. Adopting the upper bag extraction method, the framework is removed during bag replacement, and the dirty bag is put into the lower ash hopper of the box, which is taken out from the manhole, improving the bag replacement operation conditions.

5、由于采用分室停风脉冲喷吹清灰,喷吹一次 布袋除尘器可达到 清灰的目的,所以清灰周期延长,降低了清灰能耗,压气耗量可大为降低。同时,滤袋与脉冲阀的疲劳程度也相应减低,从而成倍地提高滤袋与阀片的寿命。

5. Due to the use of chamber stop air pulse spraying for dust removal, spraying the bag filter once can achieve the purpose of dust removal. Therefore, the dust removal cycle is extended, reducing the energy consumption of dust removal and greatly reducing the consumption of compressed air. At the same time, the fatigue level of the filter bag and pulse valve is correspondingly reduced, thereby doubling the service life of the filter bag and valve plate.

6、检修换袋可在不停系统风机,系统正常运行条件下分室进行。滤袋袋口采用弹性涨圈,密封性能好,牢固 。脉冲布袋除尘器滤袋龙骨采用多角形脉冲除尘器,减少了袋与龙骨的磨擦,延长了袋的寿命,又便于卸袋。

6. Maintenance and bag replacement can be carried out in separate rooms without stopping the system fan and under normal operating conditions of the system. The opening of the filter bag adopts an elastic expansion ring, which has good sealing performance and is firm. The pulse bag dust collector adopts a polygonal pulse dust collector for the filter bag keel, which reduces the friction between the bag and the keel, extends the life of the bag, and is easy to unload.




